The discovery of a lump in the breast can be a frightening experience. While most lumps are benign, some can be malignant. Knowing how a malignant breast lump feels can help one identify the warning signs and seek medical advice.
Sensations of a Malignant Breast Lump
A malignant breast lump can feel hard and irregularly shaped. It often has an uneven surface, and is usually immobile when touched. It may feel as if it is attached to the breast tissue or the chest wall beneath the breast. Malignant lumps often cause pain, tenderness, or a burning sensation.
Identifying the Warning Signs
It is important to be aware of any changes in the breasts, such as the development of a lump. If a lump is detected, it is important to seek medical advice. Other warning signs of malignancy include changes in the size or shape of the breast, dimpling or puckering of the skin, discharge from the nipple, and redness or scaling of the skin.
If you have any concerns about a breast lump, it is important to seek medical advice. Early detection and treatment of malignant breast lumps can improve the chances of successful treatment and recovery.