The one thing that every firm out there is trying to focus on is making the right first impression, and there is no room for error when companies start focusing on such an essential part of running a product-based firm. But while focusing on advertisements, digital marketing, and customer support, you should never overlook how important the packaging of the product is, especially when it comes to making the first impression.
Product packaging is always the first introduction of the product to the customer, and there is no way you can ignore it. Even with a good product and a brilliant marketing campaign, customers might not pick up your product from the shelf just because of inadequate packaging. Yes, packaging can affect your company and your product to this level.
But to design the best product packaging and make the best first impression, you should first familiarize yourself with why product packaging is so crucial for your firm’s success.
What makes packaging so important?
With time, companies now realize that they can’t become successful in the competitive market by focusing on the product as they need to focus on the packaging. It doesn’t matter whether a customer purchases a product online or through brick and mortar shop. Packaging will always be the first thing that the customer will see, and it mostly leaves them with a lasting impression.
The influx of trends like ‘gift opening and ‘unboxing’ has further increased the importance of packaging. This rising trend clearly shows that packaging can be used as one of the most powerful marketing tools.
Many companies try to stay as economical as possible when it comes to packaging, but in many cases, the packaging can be more impactful than the product itself.
Top 5 reasons why product packaging matters so much
An element of theater
Through packaging, you can create suspense and excitement. When a customer sees impressive packaging, it entices them to open it, which creates an element of theater. By offering unique and beautiful packaging, you can always make the customer excited and think that there is something special inside.
You can take the simple example of gift wrapping here. If you see a gift wrapped in a plain brown cover, you will no longer be excited to open it. Still, when you see the same gift wrapped beautifully in colorful paper, your level of excitement will automatically increase.
The addition of personal touch
Personalization has become a huge tool for all the businesses out there. It is one of the best marketing tools for all kinds of product-based firms, and with the current technology, most people expect to receive something personal to them.
Personalized packaging can also act as a social bait as it can encourage people to boast about the product both on th online platform and in person. But since it is almost impossible to package all products by hand, it needs to be done another way.
Reusability and sustainability
With the growing environmental concern and increasing pollution level, all the companies need to be more aware of the sustainability and reusability of their packaging solution. So, brands need to think beyond the presentation and design packaging so that the customers don’t discard the same.
By ensuring reusability and sustainability of products, you can always ensure that the lifecycle of packaging increases and less waste goes to the environment.
Set yourself apart
Staying unique in the market is the best thing that you can do to make your brand and product easily recognizable, and your packaging can help you set yourself apart. You must ensure that your brand values are being showcased by everything you do, including packaging.
Instead of just using a simple cardboard box for candle box packaging, you can create something iconic, and that will make it stand out from the crowd. There are even many influencers that have made a career out of unboxing. If the packaging excites the viewers, then the influencers will be more interested in unboxing such products.
Caring about the packaging
When you start caring about how you package your products, you start finding ways to become more cost-effective and efficient. This is another reason not to take the packaging of your product lightly.
As an ideal firm, you will always wish to save money and space, and it can only be done through efficient packaging. This simple approach can also be used during candle box packaging.
If you are running a product business, then there is no way you can ignore the power of packaging, as good packaging can completely transform your business and increase the value of your product.