Doesn’t it seem like everywhere you turn there are more and more signs with “CBD” written on them? The local coffee shop boasts CBD lattes, the grocery store has CBD infused cold beverages and chocolates, and every skincare shop has CBD tinctures, CBD creams, and CBD salves. What’s going on?
The answer is that once the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) declared that CBD is an acceptable additive that may help with wellness goals, every one and their brother has jumped on the CBD bandwagon. It’s a smart thing for a businessperson to do—CBD is trendy and may be effective in treating everything from anxiety disorders to chronic pain. The latter is one reason why you may see a jump in CBD being used as an addition to massage therapy treatments. If you’re wondering more about how CBD is used by massage therapists, and why, read on.
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How does CBD work?
CBD products, such as CBD creams and CBD oils, are products that are infused with CBD (cannabidiol). Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid that’s derived by the hemp plant (otherwise known as the cannabis plant), and has been used by humans for ages to manage pain and discomfort. It works because humans have what’s known as an endocannabinoid system, and that system is in charge of managing sleep, pain, inflammation, and discomfort. When the cannabidiol binds with those cannabinoid receptors, it can mitigate the activity of those neurotransmitters, and therefore the inflammation or discomfort, that you’re feeling.
Clinical trials have found that this derivative of the hemp plant can help with diverse issues—from sports injuries to headaches and even insomnia or seizure disorders. It’s important to note that no CBD products are approved by the FDA unless they have minuscule amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in them, meaning that you won’t get a “high” from using CBD oil. Of course, no one should try a new supplement like CBD for the first time before asking a doctor about potential side effects and the appropriate dose. Always discuss dosage and your thoughts about incorporating CBD into your treatment plan with a doctor before you make an apportionment for a deep tissue massage.
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Why are CBD products useful for massage therapy purposes?
CBD oil and other CBD products can be ingested or smoked, but they can also be used through the skin, via creams and lotions. For example, if you’re getting a remedial massage from a massage practitioner, if they use CBD oils or lotions as they put on pressure, it can have more impact on increasing relaxation and lowering soreness or stiffness than a regular oil would. Think about how relaxed you feel after a deep tissue massage or a sports massage. With CBD oil, you may feel even more relaxed than you would otherwise.
Can CBD products be used in any type of massage therapy?
The short answer is yes. Whether you’re going to a massage therapist because you have a chronic condition, a sports injury, or are just experiencing low back pain, those tense areas may all benefit from strokes that come with a little extra effect of CBD. A CBD drop with calming effect can help you relieve actual knots, but it can also just help you relax and benefit more from the massage therapy treatment. That’s why you’ll see offers at day spas for all types of massages with CBD oil: Swedish massage, sports massage, deep tissue massage, and more. Regardless of the massage technique being used, it’s common to see a bottle of CBD oil next to the massage table. If you’re not interested in CBD oil being a part of your Swedish massage, because you have a sensitivity or allergies, you should make sure to mention that to your massage therapist ahead of time.