The movie "The Princess Bride" is a classic fantasy film that has been beloved by fans since its release in 1987. It follows the story of a young farmhand who embarks on a quest to rescue his true love from an evil prince. One of the stars of the movie is a professional wrestler, André the Giant, who plays a pivotal role in the movie.
Professional Wrestler in "The Princess Bride"
André the Giant was a French-born professional wrestler and actor. He was born in 1946 and was known for his immense size and strength. He was one of the most popular professional wrestlers of the 1970s and 1980s and was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1993.
In addition to his wrestling career, André the Giant also had a successful acting career. He appeared in several films and television shows, including "The Princess Bride." In the movie, he played Fezzik, a gentle giant who helps the protagonist in his quest to rescue his beloved.
Co-Starring Role of Wrestler in Movie
André the Giant’s role in "The Princess Bride" is one of his most memorable performances. He plays Fezzik, a giant who is initially hired to kidnap Buttercup, the princess bride. However, he soon realizes the error of his ways and joins forces with the protagonist, Westley, to rescue her.
André the Giant’s performance in the movie made him a fan favorite. His gentle giant character was beloved by audiences and his scenes with Westley and Buttercup were some of the most memorable of the movie. He also had some of the funniest lines in the movie, including his famous "anybody want a peanut?" scene.
André the Giant’s role in "The Princess Bride" cemented his legacy as one of the most beloved professional wrestlers and actors of all time. He will always be remembered for his gentle giant character and his memorable performance in the movie.
André the Giant’s co-starring role in "The Princess Bride" is one of his most memorable performances. His gentle giant character was beloved by audiences and his scenes with Westley and Buttercup are some of the most memorable of the movie. He will always be remembered for his gentle giant character and his memorable performance in the movie.