Planning an extended RV road trip can be fun. While it can be exciting to think about destinations and places you’ll see along the way, you’ll have a better trip if you put thought into your packing list, too. If you and your family or friends are thinking about heading out on the road for a six-month trip, it’s a good idea to pack well in advance. For items that you’ll want to pack for your trip, read on.
Clothing and Entertainment
The global pandemic has caused a surge in interest in RV travel. Whether you’ll be working remotely during your travels or you just hope to explore for an extended time period, you’ll have a better time if you pack with purpose. The first step in packing for a long trip is to start with a packing list including the basics like clothes, gadgets, laptops, robes, towels, and things you use on a daily basis.
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When creating a packing list, start with making sections for clothing, entertainment, essentials, cooking, and other major categories that will apply to your daily living. Work through one section at a time. When considering entertainment and clothing, often the most time-consuming to pack, be sure to take into consideration all seasons and climates. A six-month trip likely means you’ll need clothing for all weather conditions. Depending on where you’ll be traveling, snow and rainy days could also impact your entertainment needs. Beyond technology, be sure to bring books, hobbies, and things to keep you entertained on bad weather days.
Essential Products and Medications
Depending on where you’ll be staying and how you’ll be traveling, you’ll need to pack essentials and medications. While a premier RV park will mean showers, recreational facilities, and more, you’ll want to pack differently if you’ll be staying off-grid. When packing for your extended RV trip, take into consideration the amenities you’ll have at your disposal. If you have health conditions and take medications, you’ll want to be sure you can access a pharmacy or have your prescription with you, too.
When making your packing list, be sure to include travel-sized hygiene products you can throw in a backpack and bring into public bathrooms if you won’t be staying in an RV park. For some travelers, even when you have hookups in a park, it will be easier to shower and cook in public facilities. Considering your favorite ways to travel is a good way to know how to pack best for you. In the end, there are no real wrong answers.
Food and Cooking Gear
Taking a close look at your rig and understanding your RVs storage options is a good way to know where to begin when it comes to packing camping gadgets like stoves, pots, pans, and even food you can make on the road. When packing for extended travel in your motorhome, be sure to include dry goods, canned goods, and spices. You’ll also want to pack plates, bowls, pots, pans, and utensils for your adventure.
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For many people, extended travel means many options when it comes to cooking and living. Some RVers opt for a hybrid option of cooking and dining out. Understanding where you’ll fall when it comes to preferences of how you’ll feed yourself will make a big difference in the foods and supplies you need to pack for your adventure.
By the time you hit the open road, you’ll be in great shape if you take time in advance to pack for your trip. In starting that packing list now, you’ll be ready for any occasion, climate, and situation that comes up with the twists and turns of the road. Have a safe trip and don’t forget that camera!
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