Large, raised, swollen, twisted blood vessels are known as varicose veins. They develop as a result of faulty valves or a thinning of the blood vessel wall. Although they can appear anywhere on the body, they most frequently do so on the legs or the pelvic region.
The Smaller, red, blue, as well as purple blood vessels called spider veins and are usually twist and turn. Spider veins can also be seen clearly through the skin. The tiniest blood vessels in the body, the capillaries, are affected. Red or blue spider veins resemble a spider’s web or a tree branch. They usually show on the face and legs.
What Leads to Spider Veins and Varicose Veins?
You may be at risk for developing varicose and spider veins due to a variety of factors. These consist of:
- Heredity
- Jobs that require standing for hug hours, like those of a nurse, hairdresser, teacher, or factory worker
- Obesity
- pregnancy or menopause hormonal effects
- birth control pill usage
- replacement of postmenopausal hormones
- previous blood clots
- Conditions like cancers, bowel problems, and externally worn clothing like girdles that exert pressure in the stomach
- Other disclosed causes include UV radiation exposure, prior vein surgery, and skin trauma or injury.
It is seen Women are more likely to face the problem of varicose and spider veins than. With age, their frequency rises. Between 30 and 60 percent of adults are thought to have varicose or spider veins.
Varicose vein and spider vein symptoms
Numerous sufferers of varicose veins express leg pain as an aches and pains or cramping. Tiredness, agitation, burning, aching, prickling, or swelling in the legs are additional typical symptoms. Wearing endorse hose, also known as compression stockings, or elevating the legs can usually relieve the pain from these veins.
When a woman is pregnant or during certain times of her menstrual cycle, symptoms may be worse. Less frequently seen skin darkening, ulcers, and swelling, particularly around the ankle. Occasionally, a painful blood clot can develop in a varicose vein along with vein inflammation, a condition known as thrombophlebitis.
What Are the Options for Spider and Varicose Vein Treatment?
For varicose veins and spider veins, there are seven main treatments:
- Sclerotherapy
- Ultrasound guided sclerotherapy
- Endovenous Laser Ablation
- Venaseal vein glue
These non-invasive, walk-in-walk-out treatments are all carried out inside the clinic. Hospital visits that last all day are unnecessary! Sclerotherapy procedures usually only take 30 minutes and don’t call for anaesthesia. As the solution reaches the vein, you might experience a slight stinging sensation, but this discomfort will pass quickly.
You only need to Head over to Australian Vein Clinic to find out more about vein treatment. Varicose or spider veins do not always cause pain or other symptoms. However, they might decide to have the veins removed for aesthetic reasons. The treatment of varicose veins is frequently covered by insurance companies, but spider veins are typically not. Before considering treatment options, it is best to check with your insurance provider. You should also get in touch with the best predictors for support.