If you are looking to start some a manufacturing business surely you must have come across the conventional suggestions like a scrap business. Visit this page for more info. However, in this article we present to you a new perspective of some of the small scale business ideas that you may not have considered but are easy to get into:
Paper Manufacturing
There is a great demand for paper in India as a large chunk of the population is in the field of education and employment. Also, there are many government organizations which require bulk printing of documents daily. So, if you have land to set up a paper manufacturing plant, then this would be an ideal business idea to go with.
Detergent powder manufacturing
The detergent powder is one of the Indian household items that are in constant need. So, setting up an industrial plant for the production of detergent powders can be considered a very good business idea. filmefy This can be done by buying the machinery and equipment directly from abroad or arranging to have them manufactured in India by local vendors. Shop owners and traders can also get into this business by supplying unbranded detergents at lower prices in areas where branded detergents are not easily available. The raw materials required for the production of detergent powders are NaOH, soap flakes, caustic soda, ethylene glycol, fatty acids, and sodium hypochlorite. The major by-products obtained from this industry are carbon dioxide and water.
Coconut oil manufacturing
In India, there are plenty of coconut trees that provide plenty of coconuts and you can use them to make coconut oil. To get started on this business idea you will need to make arrangements to purchase coconuts, which should not be expensive because coconuts have many uses. To process the coconuts you will need to set up an industrial unit with the necessary machinery, but those are also not very expensive items and once you have them in place you can start processing coconuts and selling the coconut oil that you produce.
Incense stick manufacturing
Incense sticks or agarbattis are used in religious places all over India as it creates a pleasant aroma around and also give a soothing effect to the mind and soul. This product also finds usage in other places like homes, shops etc so this is a market that is worth looking at. The manufacturing process involved in making incense sticks is not very complicated but there are still some steps that you will have to follow. Given the huge demand of incense sticks in India due to the regular festivals and the daily use in our homes, this could potentially be one of the best manufacturing business in India.
Automotive parts manufacturing
Automotive parts manufacturing is a popular business idea in India right now. This is because automobiles will always be in demand and consequently automotive parts will always be in demand. It’s an evergreen, profitable business with great potential to scale up with the help of a good business plan. However, it’s important to understand that it takes time to set up a factory, so be prepared to invest heavily. Without proper planning and an understanding of the market, this could end up being a disastrous investment, so do your research and make sure you have a plan in place before you start setting up shop.thedocweb