It is not that easy and glamorous to keep a pet dog at your house as it seems in adorable pictures. You have to work hard for your pet to be smart and safe enough. Pets are very sensitive, and if you are planning something for its good, you must inform your pet. It might come useful in your endeavour.
It becomes truly yours as you provide it the family, love, care, and companionship it requires. Dogs are good learners, so you can make them learn any task, and when it is all about their safety, pets must be well-trained and informed about the system.
Significance of electric fence training
Before installing an electric fence for leaving my dog alone, you have to be very careful about the training you need to provide to your pet. Without this training, the pet cannot be safe within the boundary, and the system cannot be effective. So, you need to train the pet for at least 7-10 days to ensure it understands the system and reacts to it.
You must start the training with flags at the boundary where the fence is placed underground. It would be best to make your dog understand the system and react to the correctness it gets from the collar. But make sure you are providing all the information in a light-hearted and playful manner. It would be best if you did not put pressure on the pet to learn the process. Dogs learn sooner, and with repetitive practice, they will learn the system.
How is age-relevant while training your pet for the electric fence system?
But before planning and taking such steps, you need to be aware of some facts, and the age and development of the dog are the most important among them. It would be best if you took precautions in training the dog for an invisible electric fence system. The main reason behind this is, you never know how your pet may react to it. As per its age and development, the pet can react unpredictably to the fence and collar.
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You must confirm the suitable electric dog fence training age to your pet from the specialist physician before planning to set up an invisible electric fence in your boundary. According to experts, the dog must not be introduced to such a system until they are at least four to five months old. You can have an electric fence system, but make sure you introduce it to the pet at the right age.
How to go ahead with correct age pets?
Before the age of four to five months, the dog stays a bit frightened by different things. So, introducing them to the fence system can make them more scared. Though the correctness is not responsible for the fear, it is natural for the dogs. Your system must have an adjustable setting for controlling the correctness while you start to train your puppy.
It would be best to work on your puppy for longer hours and minimum correctness to make it aware of the facts. You must be very attentive to its expressions because if it shows any hint of fear. You should stop the training immediately and give it enough time. The dog must not get traumatized. You have to be very critical about using the fence on pets and keep the training under control.
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