The Cook Islands are still relatively unknown as a tourist destination compared to some of the other South Pacfic nations. That’s why it’s important to become educated on all the fascinating facts and secrets that the Cook Islands hold.
With that said, here are 15 interesting facts about the Cook Islands that you may or may not have known before.
1. No Building Can be Taller than a Coconut Tree
It’s true! There is no such thing as high-rise buildings in the Cook Islands, because the law simply doesn’t allow them. This helps the islands keep an authentic, stripped-back aesthetic that doesn’t feel overly influenced by western towns and cities.
2. Cook Islanders Use New Zealand Passports
The Cook Islands is a self-governing nation, but they are still tied to New Zealand. That’s why the Cook Islands uses New Zealand passports. This helps to keep the Cook Islands’ economy going and ensures that the Cook Islands is still tied to the New Zealand economy.
3. Dogs Aren’t Allowed on Aitutaki Island
You simply won’t find any dogs during your stay on Aitutaki Island. Legend goes that a Chief’s daughter was once bitten by a dog, which meant they were banned from the island from then on. Latest Website magazineview
4. There Are No Poisonous Snakes or Spiders on the Cook Islands
There are no poisonous snakes or spiders in the Cook Islands. That’s why the Cook Islands are perfect for those looking to enjoy a tropical vacation without the fear of poisonous snakes or spiders.
5. There Are More Islanders in New Zealand than the Cook Islands
While the Cook Islands only has a population of around 18,000 people, New Zealand has nearly 70,000 Cook Islanders. This is because many choose to leave the islands in search of better jobs and education.
6. You Can Only Drive Up to 50km Per Hour
The speed limit in the Cook Islands is 50km per hour. This is to keep the roads safe and prevent accidents. The Cook Islands are very small and are very easy to get around. This means that the speed limit isn’t really necessary.
7. You Can Smile in Your Driver’s License Photo
In the Cook Islands, you can smile in your driver’s license photo. This is because it’s a requirement to be able to get a driver’s license. It’s a great way to add a little fun to your driver’s license photo!
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8. Second Largest Producer of Black Pearls in the World
The Cook Islands is the second largest producer of black pearls in the world behind Tahiti. This is because the Cook Islands has the perfect climate for the growth of black pearls.
9. There Aren’t Any Fast Food Chains
There are no fast food chains in the Cook Islands. This is because the Cook Islands are considered a rural area and there’s no need for such a thing. So, if you’re after a Big Mac, you might just have to wait a while.
10. The Islands Are Still Pristine
The Cook Islands are still very pristine. That’s why you’ll still see a lot of untouched beaches, waterfalls and landscapes. This is because the Cook Islands has been untouched by the massive onslaught of tourism that other Pacific islands have experienced.
11. The Cook Islands Have Some of the Best Snorkelling Spots
The Cook Islands is home to some of the best snorkelling spots in the world. This is because the Cook Islands is surrounded by beautiful coral reefs. These coral reefs make for some amazing snorkelling spots.
12. The Island of Pakapuka Has a Separate Language
The island of Pakapuka has its own language, which is different from the Cook Islands’ official language. This is because Pakapuka is a separate island, with only about 2000 people living there.
13. The Highest Point on the Islands if Te Manga
At 652m above sea level, the mountain of Ter Manga is the highest point, standing on Cook Island’s Rarotonga.
14. Captain Cook Never Actually Landed on the Cook Islands
Despite being named after the infamous explorer, Captain Cook never actually landed on the Cook Islands. His name was later given to the country as a way to honour his legacy.
15. The Majority of the Cook Island’s Economy is Tourism
The Cook Islands’ economy is largely based on tourism. This is because the Cook Islands is a very popular destination for tourists. This is why you’ll find so many hotels, resorts and restaurants on the islands.
Explore the Cook Islands Yourself
The Cook Islands are an ideal place for those looking for a little adventure. The Cook Islands are perfect for anyone who wants to explore the outdoors and enjoy some beach time.
The Cook Islands are also great for those looking to get away from it all. The Cook Islands are a great place to get away from the stresses of modern life. There’s no need to worry about paying bills or worrying about what to do next. The Cook Islands is the perfect place to relax and enjoy yourself. Hence, a Cook Islands holidays are a wonderful plan for those who crave a little adventure.