Doing things yourself is so outdated bearing in mind that there is an excess number of products and devices designed precisely to make your day-to-day life much easier nowadays. Not only will you never have to get up from the sofa to turn the lights on, put music on or see who’s at the front door, upgrading your home to a smart one will also reduce your energy consumption massively. No longer will you forget to turn off your lights or your heating system. Having a smart home which is controlled with a simple click from the comfort of your own mobile device has never been more accessible.
There is a wide variety of smart home devices on the market these days so it is not surprising that you may feel overwhelmed and unsure which ones are the right ones to invest in for yourself. That is why, here at We Buy Any House, we have compiled a list of the best smart gadgets that will transform your home and your life completely.
1. Amazon Echo Dot
One of the first things you would have to consider is the platform you decide to go with. It is a vital part of the process as not everything could be compatible with your chosen device. The main three options to consider are either Alexa, Google or Apple. Amazon’s Alexa seems to be a dominating one with a wide array of devices to pick from and a great voice recognition system. The Echo Dot is a popular choice for a reason as it can perform numerous functions using voice recognition such as telling you what the time and weather is, setting timers, answering general questions, adjusting lights and its brightness, playing music and many more. Also, it is a great value for money and can be connected with various gadgets around the house to make your life seamless.
2. Philips Hue Light Bulbs
There are so many options for good light bulbs out there that are compatible with most platforms like Alexa and Google but the famous company which people tend to go for due to numerous reasons is Philips. They have a sheer variety of Hue light bulbs and lamps available that are suited for everyone’s budget and platform preference. They are known to work with the major ones which were mentioned above and are great energy saving options. Not only that but they can create a beautiful ambience in your home. Whether you feel romantic and want to set the light to red or pink, or you’re feeling the Monday blues, having these light bulbs will make it easier for you to set the mood with only a click of a button.
3. Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Robots really are the future and the robot vacuum cleaner proves that point. Any smart home should have an automated device for that purpose so that you would never have to lift a finger in order to get your floors cleaned. If you have a pet at home, you know the struggle of having to vacuum every other day and the hair never seems to go away, doesn’t it? This robotic vacuum cleaner is the solution for you then. It is an incredibly smart technology which maps your floors and can get to the toughest spots in your house on its own. You can control it through your phone and have it clean while you are away as well. How convenient!? If you have not yet jumped on the bandwagon, there is no better time than the present to make your life easier and invest in a nice robot vacuum cleaner today.
4. Smart Plugs
Another smart device that can be connected to Alexa for effortless day to day life experience is the smart plug. Its affordability and functionality is what attracts people towards it the most as you can plug in any device in your house to it and be able to remotely or through voice recognition turn it on and off. Therefore, with a single command you can have your kettle or your coffee maker turned on.
5. Video Doorbells
Smart doorbells normally have a camera, speaker, motion sensor, microphone and an internet connection, making it really convenient to track activity outside of your door and detect visitors. It kind of doubles as a security camera because you can monitor everything that happens in front of your door such as deliveries, unwanted and wanted visitors. Not only can you check and open your door with a click of a button, but your visitors can leave you a recorded message if you were not in as well. Some may say it is like a voicemail for your front door.
The sheer variety of gadgets out there on the market allows you to really automate everything in your house nowadays and while these five suggestions are amongst the most popular ones right now, there are plenty more to choose from. With a little time and money investment, you could have your dream smart home and make your everyday life as effortless as possible.
This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. If you are wondering “how can I sell my home fast?”, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.