The long-running Serbian TV series "Kako Vreme Prolazi" (As Time Goes By) has been a beloved household favorite for many years. The show’s final episode was released on April 15, 2021. The finale was met with both joy and sadness as fans around the world said goodbye to their favorite characters. For those who want to watch the finale with Serbian subtitles, they can now easily do so.
The Final Episode of "Kako Vreme Prolazi"
The final episode of "Kako Vreme Prolazi" was a two hour special that was packed with emotion. The show started off with two of the main characters, Bojana and Sava, deciding to get married. As the wedding preparations began, the story unfolded with various surprises and twists. Fans of the show were also treated to a surprise reunion of some of the characters from the first season. As the episode ended, the characters all said their goodbyes and the series concluded with a beautiful montage of the cast and crew’s memories from the show.
Enjoy with Serbian Subtitles
For fans of the show who want to watch the finale with Serbian subtitles, they can easily do so. The final episode of "Kako Vreme Prolazi" is available on YouTube with Serbian subtitles. The subtitles are available in both Serbian Cyrillic and Latin scripts. Fans can also find the episode on streaming services such as Netflix, where it is available in several languages including Serbian.
The final episode of "Kako Vreme Prolazi" was a bittersweet ending to a beloved show. Fans around the world can now watch the finale with Serbian subtitles, allowing them to fully enjoy the show’s emotional conclusion. While the show may have ended, the memories and emotions it evoked will remain with viewers for years to come.