The Document Content, Creation Process and Procedures Regulation (Pravilnik o sadržini načinu i postupku izrade dokumenata prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja) is a rulebook that defines the content, creation process and procedures of spatial and urban planning documents. This rulebook aims to ensure that all spatial and urban planning documents are consistent and adhere to the same standards. It is an important tool for local governments and other entities involved in spatial and urban planning.
Overview of Document Content, Creation Process and Procedures
The Document Content, Creation Process and Procedures Regulation outlines the general content of spatial and urban planning documents. It also defines the creation process and procedures for these documents. The rulebook specifies the types of documents that must be included in spatial and urban planning documents, such as maps, drawings, photographs, and other visual materials. It also stipulates the technical specifications for each type of document, including the size, format, and resolution. Furthermore, the rulebook outlines the responsibilities of all entities involved in the creation process, such as the local government and other institutions.
Rules for Spatial and Urban Planning Documents
The Document Content, Creation Process and Procedures Regulation outlines the specific rules for spatial and urban planning documents. It specifies the types of documents that must be included in the document, such as maps, drawings, photographs, and other visual materials. The rulebook also outlines the technical specifications for each type of document, such as the size, format, and resolution. Furthermore, the rulebook outlines the responsibilities of all entities involved in the creation process, such as the local government and other institutions. Additionally, the rulebook outlines the procedures for reviewing and approving spatial and urban planning documents.
The Document Content, Creation Process and Procedures Regulation is an important tool for local governments and other entities involved in spatial and urban planning. The rulebook ensures that all documents are consistent and adhere to the same standards. It outlines the types of documents that must be included in spatial and urban planning documents, as well as the technical specifications for each type of document. Furthermore, the rulebook outlines the responsibilities of all entities involved in the creation process, as well as the procedures for reviewing and approving documents.