Reforestation isn’t that widely talked about, but a lot of people will have heard the word and have an idea of what it is without really fully understanding everything. So, why not educate yourself on exactly what reforestation is and also what is involved in a reforestation project?
First up; what is reforestation? Simply put, reforestation involves replanting trees that have recently been cut down. Reforestation is an important procedure in the efforts to save our planet. Huge forests are being destroyed on a consistent basis. The list of causes are many: forest fires, agricultural needs, logging, mining, and so on. The best way to improve this situation is education. Educating people on the importance of forests & reforestation can really go a long way to achieve a sustainable and balanced ecosystem.
Reforestation can take years to plan and carry out and has to be done by professionals. It is no quick task. One of the big questions though is how can you personally help with reforestation projects? Although helping physically may not be an option, there are still many ways that you are able to help. Financially contribution is one of the best ways that you can help a large project. You can set up a monthly subscription and each month your contribution will be used to plant trees on your behalf. This will offset the average American’s carbon footprint by up to 500% and ultimately help to heal our planet. This is the specific purpose of reforestation projects and is a global effort. Yes, these projects are taking place the whole world over.
Consider, how good will it feel to know that you are personally helping to make a huge difference, helping to make a much-needed change to our planet. And if doing it for yourself isn’t motivation enough, then how about for your children or grandchildren? Our time on this planet may be short, but the time we spend sustaining a healthy planet for future generations is timeless. There is no better time to start than right now. So, make your footprint in a good way!