There is nothing that can stand parallel to the epitome peerlessness of a compound turbocharged Cummins diesel engine along a rolling Dodge Ram pickup. It seems significant when you observe for the first time or you are experiencing the bonuses for the hours along with dollars in obtaining a bump in power. After a few loops to warm everything up, you can finally put the throttle down and feel the torque surge to life because the compounds precisely act what they are meant to.
Everything occurs with time. Along with this, the boost gauges needle rises up to 20psi. It reaches 40psi because the turbos start working with magic. Tires smoke and the exhausts become clear. The seat is now fully seated. Everything works better than you are thinking. It’s a rush!
When you are thinking this, you have all the capability you require, your right foot gets mangled, and the boost suddenly drops. It is the tailpipe from where white smoke is emerging. It means, the authority has gone as fast as it started, or the acidic scent of burning rubber your cab is also replaced with the horrible smell of cold and hot oil. The Cummins in your rig just burst the head gasket.
Clear in consideration that, Bill Allen who is general manager at Source Automotive says, “We’ve had a lot of customers come through us over the years who have installed their compound turbos themselves.” They also install ARP head bolts as well as bolt-on turbos, thinking everything is fine. They find that studs are not enough to secure the gasket when boost pressures exceed 40 psi.
High-quality 5.9 Cummins Head Studs can add engine durability. However, hot-rod 24-valve engines equipped with compound turbos should be careful about taking care of the head when boost pressures exceed 40 psi. Head-gasket failure can be a certainty if you don’t. This was the occurrence which we had to deal with for our Ford F-250 Cummins.
The salvage-yard ’00 5.9L engine had over 200,000 kilometers on it when it arrived at our Super Duty’s engine bay. We opted for making significant upgrades only because our budget was tight. We cleaned it up and replaced the factory bolts with ARP cylinder studs. Before we did the transplant, we ran the engine on the stand of engine. The big turbo single turbo held it together. After the addition of the compounds, the head gasket also burst just after the third pull. As the same time, the needle on the boost gauge reaches with 40 psi. We learned a costly lesson: If you plan to add compounds to any diesel, make sure the head is ready. This means that the charge must be rebuilt as well as O-ringed in order to handle higher boost pressures. The block should also be addressed if an engine is removed.
A 24-valve Cummins 5.9L Cummins head for turbos requires a surface, replacement of valve guides, cleaning seats, and upgrading valves and seals. After all this, the head can be O-ringed.
However, bearing Service Company that is a Portland-based expert in diesel-engine was the first choice for the rebuild. Brian Schutzler, the owner of the company, says that the company is a leader in engine rebuilding since 1929. All work has customization. When it comes to precision and attention to detail, they don’t skimp.