If your eyes are feeling dry, stingy, and red all the time you may have a condition known as dry eyes. This occurs due to the inability of the tear glands to produce enough fluid to keep the eyes lubricated. This may also occur if you suffer from allergies, or old age or are on certain medications.
To cure this condition, the best Eye Specialist in Lahore treats the underlying disease causing the problem and will treat the problem itself with eye rewetting drops and other medication. While these work, there are also home remedies that you can do to alleviate your symptoms. In this article, we will discuss this in detail.
Limit Screen Time
Spending 12-18 hours a day on your digital device is the most common cause of dry eyes. This is because your eyes blink less in front of a digital screen. As a result, your eyes strain and get dry eyes. The solution to this is to limit your phone or laptop usage and a good way to do that is to use the 20-20 method. This means spending 20 minutes on your device and 20 minutes taking a break. It also involves limiting your screen time overall.
Warm Compressions
Inflamed and flaky eyelids due to dry eyes cause the oil-producing glands to clog up. This prevents the formation of tears. One way to clear it is to use warm compression. To do this take a piece of cloth and dip it in warm water. Squeeze out the excess water and press it against the eye gently. This helps clear the eyes and fights against inflammation.
Eye Massage
A gentle eye massage around the area of your eyes helps to relax the muscles and improve blood flow. Moreover, it can improve sensations in your eye and help in tear production. Be wary though, eye massage should not be painful and should not worsen your dry eyes.
Hydrate Yourself
Dehydration is another common cause that contributes to dry eyes. Tears consist of 98% water so the importance of water cannot be denied. Staying hydrated throughout the day is very important because your tears glands will not produce tears if they don’t have their key component.
Better Sleep Schedule
Having your 8 hours of sleep (this might differ according to your age group) is crucial because that is the only time your eyes close for a good amount of time. This rests your eyes and gives them time to recover. Sleep also decreases the inflammation in your eye which helps when you have dry eyes.
Cleaning your Eyes
Keeping your eyelashes clean when they get sticky or crusty is important because it keeps the inflammation at bay. To do this out a drop of gentle soap or shampoo and massage your eyelashes carefully while avoiding the eyes.
Add Oily Fish to Your Diet
Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and tuna helps in the production of fats by your eye glands which help keeps the eyes moist. Other than fish you can also opt for other foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseeds, and walnuts or you can even take supplements for it.
Wear Eye Protection
Dry eyes can make you photosensitive meaning it can be hard to tolerate direct sunlight. In this case, it’s important to wear eye protection in the form of sunglasses. In addition to this, windy weather or being near air conditioners and ceiling fans can also dry out your eyes, so wearing eye protection is necessary and can help your dry eyes.
Invest in a Humidifier
Investing in a humidifier helps to prevent dryness in the air. You can also put in a pot of water if you are using a heater or a radiator. This helps to prevent dry eyes also.
Dry eyes are most commonly caused by diseases, medication, or allergies. There is plenty of holistic medication that helps your dry eyes but using home remedies is natural and has positive results as well. Things as simple as staying hydrated, eating well, and a good night’s sleep help to ease dry eyes. Consult an Eye Specialist in Karachi if dry eyes are becoming a recurring problem for you.