Do you have a clear understanding of what you expect from your employees? Gallup did a study and found that 50% of leaders don’t. Only half of the employees on their teams believe they understand what is required of them at work.
The most important thing is to set clear expectations for your employees as a leader. After all, if you don’t show your employees what it looks like to be successful in your company and team, they may never figure out how to be successful.
As a leader, it’s your job to set the expectations for your employees. You may not have known that this is as much an art as science. If you want to set expectations with your employees, there are many good ways to do it. But many wrong ways could damage your relationship with your employees.
Deborah Morrish is now a management executive in Canada because of her ability to set clear expectations from employees.
Here we will discuss the three most effective methods for setting clear expectations for your employees:
Set Up Realistic Timelines
As a leader, it’s your job to make high-quality outcomes. Stress, burnout, anxiety, and hostility can all be caused by unmanageable deadlines. There may be times when employees need to speed up their work output, but this should not be the norm.
Deborah Morrish Toronto also has a degree in HBA, BEd, and other master programs. Thus, feel free to take her advice in setting clear expectations for your employees.
The majority of the time, rushing through tasks has a bad influence on your customers, your employees, and yourself as well. For example, expect to develop a complete website and sales funnel in three weeks.
First and foremost, the timescale does not correspond to the quantity of work required. Second, several team members will be late for their work submission. Finally, it eliminates the opportunity for a quality check to confirm that everything is functioning correctly. Employees will be stressed out, and customers will be unhappy if a deadline for completion is set but cannot be met in the end.
Expectations Should be Clear and Agreed Upon
When you build a relationship with your employees, you need to set expectations. People should talk with each other instead of giving each other a list of rules and guidelines. One way to do this is to let your team know that they can ask questions, voice their concerns, and develop ideas during the discussion.
Before you leave the meeting, remind everyone what is expected of them. After that, inquire whether or not employees are comfortable with being held accountable for this.
Listen with an open mind to team members who express concerns about their ability to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourselves. For example, it’s possible that the deadline for new task conflicts with the deadline for another project they’re working on. If there are issues, sort them out with the employee before leaving the meeting so that you and they have a clear understanding of what needs to be done moving forward.
Communicate Clearly and Often
You can’t make progress if you don’t talk to each other. When it comes to defining expectations with your team, communication is essential, and it should be the first step.
Provide clear communication about what you expect them to do from the beginning of the new employee orientation. Should they be required to report on every task they accomplish? When it comes to email responses, is there a defined time they should respond in? Being prepared makes communication much more straightforward and saves a significant amount of ttactics time for both parties.