Today we spend half of our waking hours staring at our phone screens. Smartphones have revolutionized our lives in every aspect imaginable. From the youngest to the oldest members of society, we have some reason to be glued to our devices. The smartphone has replaced so many objects that were deemed a necessity just a decade ago, such as watches, calculators, fax machines and even computers. We use it to wake up, to go to sleep, to relax, to work, to study and to date even. So obviously our devices have to work extra hard to keep up with our daily demands.
Our phones are cluttered with various apps, files, images and videos. These tend to slow down our devices, especially if these apps have been designed to run discreetly in the background. They take up valuable space in our RAM, so that the apps we need to work faster are not able to function to their optimum speeds. We also spend a large amount of our day taking pictures and recording videos. These kinds of files take up huge amounts of space in the storage, which can also contribute to the general slowness of our devices. In addition to this we have to face another consequence of constant usage of our devices, which is the damage to the battery, by overheating.
Lite Android Cleaner App
In order to provide a solution to the above problems and many more, the app Easy Clean Lite was designed. It’s a very simple and compact app, that marries a beautiful and user-friendly interface with a substantial array of advanced features which promise to keep your device functioning smoothly and in the best of health.
You will see many cleaning tools like this on Google Play Store. For example, NOX Cleaner, AVG Cleaner, CCleaner, Phone Master, Clean Master, etc. All those are popular Android cleaning tools that guarantee performance and free space.
On opening the app, you will be shown the percentage of RAM usage and the percentage of device Storage used, at the top of the screen. Below that you will find a pleasantly pulsatile button named the Scan button which scans the device for all kinds of junk and promptly disposes of them. In addition to this, this app provides one with a wide array of services including:
- Phone Boost: Frees up space from the RAM by shutting down unneeded processes running in the background and slowing down your device.
- Device Cooler: helps cool down the device to the optimum temperature for the efficient functioning of all the processes that need to run smoothly for achievement of user goals.
- Battery Saver: scans and identifies all the battery draining apps, and gives you the option of putting them to sleep.
- Notification Organizer: when activated only shows you the important notifications in an organized manner.
- AppLock: helps you create an added layer of protection for apps at risk of leaking important information.
- Clean WhatsApp
- Duplicate Files
- Clean big Files
- Video Cleaner
Download Easy Clean Lite APK for Android
Easy Clean Lite does not available for all Android phones. However, you can use AC Market app store to install Easy Clean lite Apk on any Android phone or tablet. Click here to download AC Market for your phone. Use AC Market app store to download your apk easily.