Unless you tried to play Bonanza free slots before, you might not quite understand what all the fuss is about. If you do understand, you’ll know how much fun you can have with these kinds of games. Either way, it’s wise to know which games are good to play, whether you’re trying slots for the first time or you’re an expert.
But what are slots so popular? There are actually several reasons, and although they might not all apply to you, some of them definitely will.
Less Hassle
No matter how much fun it is to get dressed up and go ‘out on the town’ for some fun with your friends or by yourself, it can be a bit of a hassle sometimes. Looking for the right public transport options, considering whether you might drive and where to park if you do, putting on your good clothes, doing your hair and makeup, and so on, will all take time and effort.
Although this can be fun, and it’s a great thing to do for a special occasion or just once in a while, if you enjoy playing slots and want to do it more regularly, this is going to become a problem. It’s time consuming and expensive, especially if your nearest casino is quite some distance away.
Playing slots online, therefore, is much easier. It takes away a lot of the hassle that comes with going out to play, and makes it much more accessible to everyone.
Better Odds
When you play slots in a physical, traditional casino, the odds won’t be as good as when you play online. There is one simple reason for this; profits. A physical casino has to make more profit because it has more outgoings (staff, rent, utility bills, and so on). This means the odds on slots are going to be higher so that the casino can guarantee itself a certain amount of money. Online casinos don’t need to make as much in terms of profit, so the odds can be lower as the cost savings are passed on to its players. The difference is usually about five percent which, over the course of a few games, will really add up.
Interestingly, because the odds are lower (as well as a number of other reasons), more people play online, so the profits are actually higher than in a traditional casino.
More Options
A land based casino has many limits, and one of the biggest to consider is size. There will only be room for a certain number of slots within any casino, and even the biggest ones of all have to draw the line somewhere. Although you’re sure to find something to play no matter where you go, the choice you are looking for might not be there.
An online casino will never run out of space, and that means there is a huge amount of choice, much more than in a physical casino. Plus, if you don’t like the offerings on one site, you can quickly hop to another. This isn’t so easy in real life.
Games To Play
Now you know why it’s better to play online when it comes to slots, here are some great games to try out:
- Moon Shadow
- Jackpot 6000
- Queen of Riches
- Frozen Inferno
- Fortunes of Sparta