Author: James

Modern technology is affecting us and our environment. Since the industrial revolution, New technologies are being manufactured all over the world. This technology is impacting the environment, which includes misuse and damages to the earth. Any environmental pollution is harmful to humans and other living beings. Here some destructive and devastating effects of technology are going to be highlighted. Technology and its’ destructions Technology is damaging the environment and the world in two ways. 1. Pollution 2. Depletion. Pollution: Excessive quantities of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, carbon monoxide, methane, etc., are being emitted into the earth’s atmosphere.…

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With the help of scientific knowledge, we can create technological tools. It is the use of scientific experience in the practical field. The use of modern technology has made our life much more comfortable. If we look back in the previous century’s we can find how hard life was then. But, now, everything has become much more manageable. If we look at the following inventions, we can quickly evaluate what modern technologies have done for us. In the previous century, people used to travel anywhere on foot, which was time-consuming. Not all paths were crossable. People could not think of…

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We live in the year of science. There are many technologies invented for leading a better human life. Some of them have a good impact, and some also have a lousy Impact on us. It reduces our time limitation in work and provides us great feedback. Nowadays, we cannot think about a single moment without the use of technology. We are not around technology, and technology is around us. Modern Advancement of Technology  There are many kinds of tools around us, all of are called technology. Still, some have a significant impact on our lives, such as Mobile phones, industrial…

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Technology is improving day by day. Students are very interested and engaged in technology nowadays. It can create many unique ways and opportunities for schools and teachers to be benefitted. It can make teaching and learning more efficient.  How technology has impacted the lives of students: Know vastly: Technology benefits students with access to knowledge anytime and anywhere according to their choices. Technology has advanced to a level nowadays that learning is no longer confined to the classroom. Those are now gone when students have to wait for the classes to solve their doubts. Now students can solve any doubts…

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Technology is revolutionary in every aspect of human life today. Office work, music, movies, travel, shopping, transport, communication, etc., are just some areas that have transformed. Digital technology now means those devices which are smaller, faster, lighter, and versatile. Now the vast amount of information can be stored locally or remotely by companies. The meaning of “information” has also changed. It now includes photos, video, audio, etc. other media. Because of modern technology, these types of information have become easy to manipulate.  Disadvantages of digital technology Here I will describe some downsides of digital technology. Data Security: Digital technology consists…

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Technology has always influenced the style of life. It has changed the ways individuals communicate, learn, and also think. Technology has a very vital role in our lives today. In the era we are living in, technology is advancing at a very rapid speed. Cell phones and the internet are a prevalent example now. Technology is advancing, but there is the downside of it too. Impact on learning Technology has a significant impact on society in the way how it affects learning. Technology has made our learning more interactive and synergistic. It helps people to engage better with the material…

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Technology is the application of scientific information in the practical field. In this modern world, we can not think of a day without needing modern technology. Advantages of technology can not be counted. Life with modern technology and without it has a massive difference. Suppose we see the past, present, and future of modern technology. In that case, we can easily guess how we left the dark ages and how technologies have made our life much more comfortable. The Past: Technologies in the past were not that improved. However, if we look back in the 1990s, the world first met…

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Technologies are the application of scientific knowledge in practical fields. In today’s world, we can see many scientific inventions known as modern technology and their use in different areas. People in previous centuries did not have many opportunities. But with the help of modern technologies, life has become much more comfortable. We are going to discuss some different fields of modern technology. We can see the use of modern technologies in job sectors. A computer is a machine that keeps every company’s data. A computer can give a better and faster output than a man. The Internet has made the…

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Technology means something where we can use our scientific knowledge to make some new inventions. So this basically means to use scientific knowledge in practical fields to create new things. Today’s world is running with the help of technology. There are already many scientific inventions. We will shortly discuss these technologies and their advantages and disadvantages. And lastly, we will give a suitable conclusion. Smartphones: if we are to talk about some great technologies, smartphones will undoubtedly come first. This is one of the remarkable technologies till now. Almost every people use smartphones. But history was different in the previous…

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Science means knowledge. It is the study of the natural world by collecting data through a scientific method. And technology means where we can use our scientific knowledge to make some inventions. So, technology is the application of science. Science and technology are entirely different fields of study, but they are interdependent. Knowledge of science gives us many innovative ideas. Then we research and apply them in practical areas from which we get new technologies. The more we get scientific theories, the more tools we can make. But, technologies can also be harmful to the environment and people. The knowledge…

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