Are there heavy metals in baby formula? What are the consequences of exposing your child to them? Learn about the testing process for heavy metals in baby formula. This information will give you peace of mind when choosing the right formula for your child. If you are worried about the presence of heavy metals in your baby’s formula, read on to discover the steps you can take to make sure it doesn’t contain them.
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In 2007, a House subcommittee on economic and consumer policy examined the content of four leading baby formula manufacturers and discovered that each of them contains dangerous levels of heavy metals. The results of this investigation have caused a global uproar, as parents are now forced to choose between healthy, natural, and organic baby food. However, it’s important to note that there’s no single, reputable way to guarantee the safety of infant formula. The following are tips to ensure the safety of baby formula.
There are many ways to protect your child from harmful heavy metals, but one of the most common is by avoiding commercially prepared baby food. While the United States Food and Drug Administration has set limits for harmful substances in other foods, including bottled water, there are no such standards for baby formula. However, the level of these substances in some baby formulas varies. Therefore, it is essential to look for the label and find out what the exact contents of the food are.
Health effects
Excessive levels of heavy metals in shop baby formula have been linked to neurological harm in children. A recent study by Consumer Reports found that five popular juices also contain high levels of heavy metals. Those metals can enter the environment through pollution and pesticides. Since heavy metals are naturally present in the environment, they are absorbed by crops, which are then included in the food supply. Parents can do a few simple things to reduce their baby’s exposure to heavy metals.
Lead and cadmium are two of the most common heavy metals in baby formula. These two elements may work together to lead to cause abnormal neurodevelopment in infants. A 2012 Harvard study found that higher cadmium levels were associated with learning disabilities and special education in children. Researchers have also discovered that exposure to mercury affects the developing brain and can lead to lifelong deficits in learning, memory, and reaction time. The FDA is investigating the impact of heavy metals in baby formula, but some companies failed to cooperate with the investigation. In some cases, the levels of heavy metals can be significantly higher than those listed above.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the marijuana industry. But the FDA does not regulate the baby food industry, and that means manufacturers are responsible for testing their products for heavy metals. Luckily, the founder of the organic baby formula company Nature’s One took the initiative to test his ingredients for heavy metals before they enter the building. And, his suppliers are also tested for heavy metals. The report found that over 80 percent of the ingredients in Nature’s One baby formula contained at least one metal in higher concentration than the FDA’s limit.
The results of this research have been widely covered in the press, which has reported the findings in alarming tones. However, many of the heavy metals that were found in the food samples were within safe levels set by the European Commission. Furthermore, some chemical elements are not known to have official safety guidelines and further research is needed to verify them. In addition, the press coverage has spurred a debate about the scientific methods used to set such guidelines.
Testing for heavy metals in baby formula
For parents, knowing where food comes from is of vital importance. Whether it’s food for your baby or a bottle of formula, knowing the origin and safety standards of ingredients can give you peace of mind. Heavy metals are naturally present in soil, water, and breast milk. Because of their low levels, these metals are safe to ingest in relatively small amounts. Still, parents must look for additional ways to protect their children.
The Colorado-based nonprofit Clean Label Project analyzed the data provided by baby food companies. The nonprofit found that nearly 40 percent of the tested products contained trace amounts of at least one heavy metal, and 25 percent had the levels of all four. But those levels were still relatively low. Another study by Consumer Reports found that nearly half of the 50 top-selling baby food brands contained “worrisome” levels of heavy metals in their products. This means that 15 percent of the tested products are hazardous to children. Many products tested positive for heavy metals, including rice and sweet potatoes. Organic baby food was just as likely to be contaminated as conventional food.
EPA’s “Closer to Zero” action plan
The FDA’s recent report on the dangers of heavy metals in baby formula outlines a series of milestones and deadlines to reduce exposure to these contaminants. However, the plan has flaws. Because of their small size and slower metabolism, babies are more likely to absorb heavy metals than adults. Hence, reducing heavy metals in baby formula is unlikely to be enough.
The FDA recently published draft action levels for lead, cadmium, and nickel in juice and baby formula. According to the plan, the agency will release action levels for these metals between April 2022 and early 2024. The agency is also in the process of developing action levels for arsenic and cadmium in baby food, and is expected to release IRLs for these metals in 2023.