In the business world, efficiency is often decisive. Traditional offices provide a lot of structure in terms of efficiency. Creating the same atmosphere in a home office is no easy task. Even so, a few simple steps can help transform your home workspace into a haven for peace and productivity. Here are seven simple ways to streamline your workspace.
Automate Mundane Tasks
One of the current business trends making headlines lately is automation. There are a massive number of automated applications that can make your work life easier and more productive. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) apps like Skype can facilitate communication. Project management tools can put file sharing and collating at your fingertips. Email and customer relationship management systems can be a boon to salespeople on the go. Shop around for the tech that fits your needs.
Remove Clutter
A cluttered space could be holding you back. Decluttering is the solution. First, remove all items from your office and assess each one. Separate them into groups for keeping, archiving, and disposal. Be sure to limit desk items to things that will be used soon. A “busy” desk can cause you to lose focus quickly. Use cubbies and filing cabinets to minimize mess and aid your memory. Don’t forget to clean your office regularly, preferably with non-toxic chemicals. It’s good for your health and your mindset.
Create an Ergonomic Workspace
Ergonomics is the study of the consequences of the ways people interact with their environment. You’ve probably heard of ergonomic seating. Ergonomic chairs and desks can do wonders for minimizing the physical strain of office work. Even keyboards and monitors can be optimized to streamline workflow and reduce stress. Research and learn what ergonomic principles you can incorporate into your office.
Reconsider Your Color Scheme
Another component of your surrounding you should consider optimizing is color. Color psychology is the science of how color affects the human mind. Specific colors engender varying moods and mental states. For instance, blue rooms tend to calm people, while yellow color schemes aid mental acuity and boost energy levels. Having a home office means you can play with colors and find a mix that brings out the best in yourself and helps generate productivity.
Resist the Urge to Multitask
Multitasking only seems like a good idea. In truth, doing too many things at once puts the brakes on workflow. One study on the impact of multitasking found that only 2.4% of participants could do so effectively. Not only does attempting to multitask cause a stress response, but it also wastes time by forcing the brain to readjust to each new task. By focusing on one thing at a time, you’ll do everything faster and more effectively.
Make the Most of Your Time
A now-famous study from Stanford University found that remote workers are about 13% more efficient than those in traditional offices. Time is the reason. Remote workers can build their schedules around their personal working styles. The most important skill to learn is prioritization. Know which tasks need to be done now and which can wait. Put similar tasks into batches together and handle the most difficult ones first. Write up a daily schedule and stick to it. Your work won’t seem nearly as overwhelming.
Prioritize Nutrition
Never forget that the center of your home office is you. Good health sets you up for long-term success. The foods you eat have a massive impact on workplace productivity. Certain food options, like bananas and kale, are considered by many managers to be productivity boosters. Remember to stay hydrated, too. Being dehydrated by as little as two percent can impact cognitive ability. As always, consult your doctor before making any major changes to your diet or exercise.
There’s no “magic bullet” for creating a better workspace. The key is to build the space in a way that maximizes your talents and needs. Remember these strategies as you work to personalize and enhance your home workspaces.