CBD manufacturers often claim their products are a cure-all for a variety of medical conditions. Chronic pain is one condition that is often mentioned, and people take notice. Medical professionals struggle to help men and women who suffer from pain continuously. People experience pain differently, which makes it difficult for doctors to treat. CBD may be of help in bringing this pain under control.
CBD Isn’t Addictive
One problem that arises with chronic pain management is the risk of addiction. Common pain relievers are frequently controlled substances, which means they are difficult to get. Marijuana is now legal in many states, which is why people might turn to this substance to get the desired relief. CBD is the perfect alternative for those who suffer from chronic pain but don’t want the high that comes with marijuana use. They can use CBD self-care products and avoid this concern.
Why Use CBD for Chronic Pain Management?
Researchers are studying the medicinal uses of CBD today. At this time, they believe it shows promise in treating pain, anxiety, inflammation, seizures, and more. One reason they turn to CBD is they know it isn’t addictive like many prescription pain medications and there is no risk of abuse. They have studied animals and found that CBD interacts with and modulates the endocannabinoid, inflammatory, and nociceptive systems in animals. It does so by working on the same receptors that naturally occurring cannabinoids do.
Researchers are looking to see if the same results are witnessed in humans using CBD. At this time, the FDA has only approved CBD for medicinal use in patients suffering from epilepsy that doesn’t respond to conventional medications. However, Canada has approved a medication that contains an equal mix of CBD and THC for pain management. Individuals with multiple sclerosis or cancer pain that doesn’t respond to opioids benefit from the use of this medication.
Side Effects of CBD
CBD comes with few side effects, which is why many people choose to use it today. However, with regular use, a person might find they have liver damage. In addition, CBD may harm the male reproductive system. CBD has been shown to interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners, so a person should speak to their doctor before using any CBD product.
Choosing a CBD Product
The FDA does not regulate CBD products. It falls on the consumer to know which products are reputable and which should be avoided. This information can be found by reading the label and reviewing independent lab test results. In addition, only buy from reputable companies with good track records.
CBD should be one of several components of a pain management program. People should always look to their doctors first when adding anything to a treatment plan. Doing so ensures the CBD is safe and appropriate for the condition being treated. Many people find it is exactly what they have been looking for to live a higher quality of life. Make an appointment to discuss this topic with your doctor today.