Homeowners know the stress and pain of keeping their lawns clean, attractive, and well-maintained. They also know the challenges mitigating their goals, especially lawn diseases. Lawn diseases can ravage and damage months of good work when not identified and combated.
A Houston lawn care service provider notes that these problems can present themselves in various ways and are caused by different factors. Homeowners must know the different signs and symptoms of these lawn diseases to help them combat them quickly and easily.
This article goes over the different types of lawn diseases and how to identify and treat them.
Lawn Fungus
Many types of lawn fungus can affect your landscape. The impact can range from mild to moderate or severe, depending on the type of fungus you’re dealing with. Some present symptoms like brown spots and discolorations, while others go for the jugular by trying to kill your plant.
Early identification of such problems is essential for saving and preserving your lawn, especially when dealing with the more severe fungus types.
Brown Patch Lawn Disease
As the name suggests, this lawn disease is characterized by large brown patches appearing on your lawn. This disease is caused by a fungus known as Rhizoctonia solani and is common in warm and humid conditions.
Brown patch lawn disease is common during the spring and fall months and can be identified by paying more attention to your lawn. Some common symptoms are;
- Circular, or oval-shape brown patches on your lawn (diameter usually about two to eight feet)
- These patches are commonly surrounded by green rings of healthy grasses
Brown patch lawn diseases can be treated by adopting a better watering schedule. You can also add fungicide and aerate your lawn for better performance.
Fairy Ring Lawn Disease
The fairy ring lawn disease occurs in late spring or early summer. Caused by a fungus known as Marasmius oreades, the disease is common in shaded areas with poor drainage. Common symptoms include;
- Circular or ring-shaped brown spots about two to eight feet in diameter
- Mushrooms or fungi growth in the affected area
- Brown patches surrounded by a ring of green, healthy grass
Remove the plants in and around the affected area to contain this disease. You should also replace the soil with healthy sod to prevent fungus spread. Additionally, apply fungicide on the lawn to contain and eliminate the problem.
Dollar spot lawn disease
The dollar spot lawn disease is the commonest lawn disease in the United States. Caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, the disease typically strikes in the late spring or early summer time.
The dollar spot lawn disease is common in poorly fertilized lawns or lawns that have been drought-stressed. Common signs and symptoms include;
- Small, round brown patches about one to four inches in diameter
- Brown patches surrounded by a yellow ring
- Stunted, wilted, or broken grass blades
This problem can be combated by applying fungicide on your lawn. It is important to follow the fungicide application instruction or contact a landscaper for treatment.
Phythium Blight
Pythium blight is yet another fungus disease affecting lawns in the United States. This disease is common around the late spring and early summer periods. It is common to shaded lawns or lawns with a poor drainage setup.
Common symptoms include;
- Small, brown, waterlogged-appearing patches
- Musty odor from the affected area
- Patches of yellow or brown grass
Fungicides can be applied to kill this fungus. However, you may need to contact a landscaping professional to get the application right, especially as you may need to reapply the treatment at intervals.
Powdery mildew
Powdery mildew is caused by Erysiphie graminis, also a fungus. This disease strikes in the late spring to the early summer season and is common to poorly ventilated lawns. It can also be seen in drought-stressed lawns.
Common symptoms of powdery mildew include;
- Patches of brown or yellow grass
- Stunted or discolored grass blades
- White or grayish powdery growth on leaves
This disease can be treated by aerating the lawn for proper ventilation and through fungicides. You can also prevent its recurrence by exposing the lawn to regular air and sunlight.
Red thread lawn disease
The red thread lawn disease is caused by Laetisaria fuciformis, a fungus. This problem typically surfaces in late spring or early summer and is most common in poorly fertilized lawns. Drought-stressed lawns may also experience this problem which presents symptoms like;
- Brown, thin, and stunted grass patches
- Small, reddish-brown discolorations on grasses
- Small, red threads appearing on grass blades.
This lawn disease can be treated by properly fertilizing the lawn using the right fertilizer concentration. Fungicides may be applied if fertilizer application yields no significant improvement.
Other common fungus-caused lawn diseases include;
- Rust lawn disease
- Snow mold
- Summer patch lawn disease
These diseases can be prevented by following the right lawn maintenance practices. They can also be combated by using fungicides or contacting a lawn care professional for help.