Height is a fundamental characteristic of high-rise building design In Hyderabad and elsewhere. The exact height measurement for categorizing a building as a high-rise structure varies across different places based on the country’s regulations but generally, any building over 7 stories is considered a high-rise building. There are many different types of high-rise structures depending on the construction style used, and each has pros and cons. This article will help you determine the type of high rise that best fits your project:
1. Braced frame
This is the most common type of high-rise structure. It consists of vertical steel or reinforced concrete columns that are connected to the ground at each floor level by trusses, which are made up of small girders connected by webs and beams. The columns are braced against wind loads with guy wires, while the trusses provide lateral stability and stiffness. In this type of structure, the central column acts as a main support for the building structure, and it transfers loads from all directions to the floors above it. The floor slabs on all sides of this column are reinforced with steel channels that transfer lateral forces from these walls to the column itself.
2. Bundled tube structure
A bundled tube structure is a type of high-rise building that resembles an extruded tube made out of concrete blocks, steel beams, and/or precast concrete panels. The tubes are joined together to form a complete building, and they can also be joined together in some cases to form a stepped tower formation where each floor is higher than the one before it.
This type of high-rise structure takes its name from its construction method: It consists of multiple tiers of bundled tubes, which are connected at their bottom ends by special connectors called “bottom plates.” These connectors allow for easy expansion into different buildings without having to change out any equipment or lines inside each unit. In addition, since they can expand into other buildings without needing any additional equipment, they are very cost-effective compared to traditional types of high-rises and can be used in areas where there is not enough space for buildings with larger footprints.
3. The trussed tube
In this case, the trusses are made from precast concrete panels with steel reinforcing bars, which are placed between them at regular intervals to form a frame for the building. The steel columns are then placed inside these frames to support the weight of each floor above it.
4. Core and Outriggers system:
Core and outrigger systems are commonly found in high-rise building designs in Delhi.
This is a steel structure that has a hollow core and outriggers or supports at each floor level. This type of high-rise building has been used for over 100 years in many countries around the world. It was first used in America and Europe and then came to be used in Asia.
5. Framed tube structure
The framed tube structure is a type of high-rise building that uses steel tubes, which are placed on top of a concrete foundation. The tubes can be made out of any material, but the most common are steel and precast concrete. In some cases, they are also referred to as I-beams or tubular steel. The advantages of this type of structure include low cost and ease of construction. The main disadvantage is that it has limited options for expansion or height adjustments. This means that if you need to change your plan, you will have to change the structure instead. You may also want to add more floors or increase your height; however, you’ll have a limited range of options because all the floors in your building are connected by the same materials and shape (the tube).