Supplemental security income SSI is a source of monthly income provided to a particular set of people residing in the United States. It provides revenue to children or youth that are disabled or blind or to citizens aged more than 65.
To understand your eligibility, process, and more, you must consider a good Phoenix SSI attorney who will help you get SSI effortlessly and make you aware of the dos and don’ts of the entire process of SSI.
There are various things that you should be aware of before you think about applying for supplemental security income!
When are you eligible?
The first common question that might enter your mind is when I am eligible for SSI?
You are eligible for the income when you are disabled, which means going through any physical or mental illness or being over 65 years old.
You must also be a permanent citizen of the United States. In addition, you may also apply for SSI when you have limited resources or income that should meet the income level fixed by supplemental security income.
To apply for SSI, you need numerous documents. Some of which are your birth certificate and income certificate. You may also hire a lawyer that can help you with the documentation process quickly. In case of disability, your medical records should be thorough, and a written statement from your doctor or consultant helps better.
How much will I get?
The income differs from state to state, but you get between 500-100 USD per month on average.
Application process:
As soon as you contact the services for the first time, your application process commences, and you must start collecting your documents and looking up attorneys. Once you get an appropriate attorney, ample of your work will be handled by them. However, you need to have personal knowledge about the equivalent.
When can your application be denied?
Your application can be denied or even rejected when you have not submitted your application in time, given the wrong information, have not enough proof for medical records, or have a higher income than needed for the program.
Resources that are considered:
The committee considers your resources like house, vehicle, anything that can be sold on board.
Income source:
SSI is entirely dependent on your earnings, so you mustn’t have more income than what is necessary by SSI. Other things considered are if you have any other disability claim, your earnings, and your health status.
Disabilities analyzed:
If you are willing to get your need-based income from SSI, you can either be an adult or a kid. The disabilities considered are if you are blind, disable in the sense that you cannot do your daily work, and a detailed report about your justifications.
SSI provides you with a fixed monthly income. Other than the income, it also gives you other services like food stamps and free medicare per month.
Children under 18 may also be eligible if they are considered disabled, and the child’s guardian is provided with the income. In addition, the child gets free transportation and medical care.