These are 2 of the most common questions in any company. Above all, in the Sales and Marketing departments. Here we have put together a list of the best tips on how to attract customers.
Before explaining these tips, it is important to highlight the importance of the current context in which all companies find themselves both nationally and internationally.
The sale as we knew it prior to the COVID-19 crisis will not be the same again. The digitization of commercial departments has accelerated. Salespeople, those who not long ago went door-to-door, later became consultants and are now hybrids, have had to align themselves with Marketing departments to work hand in hand. Thanks to digitization and joint work, we see that more sales can be generated and customers can be attracted from anywhere.
With that said, let’s see the best methods on how to attract customers when the company works with an aligned Marketing and Sales strategy:
# 1 Identify who your potential customers are
This is the first step to start selling. For this you need to carry out an exhaustive market research and beware! Constantly update it. The same with the Buyer Persona. That is, create the profile of your ideal client and renew it as many times as necessary. Remember that if your product evolves over time, so does your Buyer Persona. Finally, analyze the competition. The more you know about her the better. If you have a direct competitor, try to be their best version and work hard to get there.
# 2 Know your product
It may seem like a no-brainer, but it isn’t. If you are the CEO it is clear that you know your product. But have you verified that each and every one of the workers knows you perfectly? Imagine that an online school salesperson has just sold you a distance cooking course, this same salesperson has told you that the course does not expire and you can also do it as many times as you want.
After a few months you want to do it again, but it does not let you access. You contact the school, and the Support department explains that it is not possible to do it again. You have not read the fine print and “you have not understood with the commercial.” Very bad experience, you discard that company and do not buy there again. This company has won a sale, but has lost a customer. If the salesperson, instead of having sold at all costs, had known how to get the best out of the product, he would have retained a customer. But he has done the opposite. If workers DO NOT know and understand the needs that the product solves, they will not know how to attract customers.
# 3 Improve communication
The third tip to keep in mind to know how to attract customers is communication. We understand that it is the marketing department that is in charge of the entire communication strategy, but we do not realize that the entire company communicates. Any interaction with the client is already communicating in one way or another type of company. It is evident that in an increasingly hyper-connected and globalized world, control of interactions with each client is needed. Whether they are potential, as real clients. CRM platforms allow you to see in real time what the activity is with each account; if they have requested information about a product, if they have a default, if they have had a problem and support is trying to solve it … etc. Therefore, and taking the last example, if they are having a problem with the product, the assigned salesperson knows perfectly well that it is not the time to sell another product.
# 4 Create a blog
How to attract customers naturally? With a blog or with small business forms it possible now. In this blog are you going to advertise how good your product is and how happy you will be if you buy it? Not always. The blog is a platform where you can share content categorized with the topics that most interest and concern your target audience. If you have a hairdresser, your audience will be interested in knowing the types of treatments that exist in the market, what are the latest developments in the sector … etc. Updated and novel content that adds value. Don’t forget to share that content on social media!
# 5 Add a Newsletter
If you have a blog with useful content for both potential and actual clients, you need a system that alerts them every time new pieces are published. Newsletters are a good way to send scheduled content that you receive in your mailbox every week or month.