Watching thriller and action TV dramas and films with professional and wonderful computer hackers who can track down their target who only happened to open a phone makes you think deeper and ask yourself how secure you are right now. You might think that because you are in a closed room with lights off, you cannot be seen. But with secret men watching you through your webcam or phone’s camera, you can’t hide anything. However, if you know that you are not doing any crimes or hurting anyone, you’re assured to be private.
And if you want to just hide and protect your documents from some people who can’t even make their own reports, you can rely on the PDF-related sites online. One of the most reliable in protecting confidential documents is the PDFBear, and here’s why.
PDFBear Password Protect PDF
PDFBear is a platform that solves most people’s problems and troubles with PDF files. To assist any user who requires a PDF document for configuration, they will ensure that the platform is accessible to everybody, especially the Password Protect PDF tool for those who want to secure their files. Anyone can use any of the features required for their initiatives, courses, or even work
PDFBear will assist you in re-securing your files. With so many file protection technologies available on the internet, most users are concerned that their passwords will be retained alongside their files. The website protects your files with 256-bit AES encryption, making it hard for hackers to access your password. To ensure the security of your document, PDFBear suggests at least nine numbers and letters interspersed with signs and upper case letters in your password.
PDFBear uses an SSL secured connection to add an extra layer of protection while downloading and uploading your file. It also comprises four easy stages that everyone may do. After you’ve completed encrypting your PDF files with Password Protect PDF, you can download them or share them to colleagues and friends. There are two alternatives available: Copy the link and send it through email.
You can submit the data as a message using Share through Email. First, enter the receiver’s email account in the first text field and your email address in the second. You can even leave a short message for the recipient. You can copy the link and share it with your colleagues on numerous internet messaging platforms like Hangouts, Messenger, or WhatsApp if you want to let them download the files on their computer or phone.
Other Security Tools of PDFBear
eSign PDF
As more records, reports, and activities are made electronically, it is critical to verify and authenticate papers without having to go through the time-consuming process of scanning, signing, and printing. eSign PDF tool of PDFBear makes it simple to attach your electronic signature to these files. Signatures enable document security, encryption, and authentication. Consequently, some individuals may be hesitant to use online signature tools. But don’t be worried as the website is SSL encrypted 24/7, which guarantees your sign will never be stolen to other people on the internet.
If you’re still not persuaded of PDFBear’s security, know that your files are only kept on eSign PDF in an hour. The signing choices supplied by this tool add to its usefulness. On the file, you can sketch, type initials, and insert another trustee. The “Create Signature” option allows you to sign papers with your actual signature. The “Add Initial” choice, on the other side, allows you to enter text in three different typefaces. Both options provide a color palette of seven possibilities. You can preserve your signature for later use if you purchase the PDFBear Pro.
Add Watermark
People dislike it when their work is duplicated without their consent. Watermarks can be added to your PDFBear document in the same way that artists and designers do. It not only provides protection to your project, but it also gives your own stamp to the document. The Add Watermark, like the e-Sign PDF, is protected with 256-bit encryption systems to secure your watermarks. Because the tool is web-based, you do not need to download any other software to apply watermarks. It works with a variety of OS and is also available on any mobile device.
Add Watermark offers a variety of customization choices, including typeface and visibility. You have the option of using a watermark image or just words. Furthermore, Add Watermark provides tools once you have applied the watermark to your documents.
Unlock PDF
What constitutes this as one of PDFBear secure tools? Possessing a PDF unlock tool on hand will allow your company to easily open password-protected PDF files. To unlock the PDF file, users only need to activate the tool and enter the code once. The Unlock PDF tool, like the other tools listed in this article, is completely free to use. With documents under 50 MB, you can accomplish ten tasks each day. Aside from that, because PDFBear is a cloud-based solution, it can be accessed on any operating system or device. All you need is a strong internet connection to begin unlocking your password-protected PDF files.
You can finish the assignment in just a few clicks. Because precise guidelines are supplied, you can easily ask anyone to complete the project for you. Furthermore, Unlock PDF will safeguard your data against viruses and worms. Furthermore, it will only preserve your copy for 60 minutes. What a combination of freedom, comfort, and security.
In A Nutshell
With so many data thefts occurring online, cybersecurity has become a top responsibility for everybody. Begin adding passwords, signatures, and watermarks to your PDFs right away. Try out these tools on PDFBear whenever and whenever you want!