Hiking can be a lot of work, and sometimes what you need more than anything is just some kind of way to lighten the load. There’s so much to carry- gear, water, snacks, and who knows what else – that it can seem like it might be easier to hire a sherpa. But have you considered the zorb ball?
A zorb ball is an oversized human hamster ball with shoes attached – imagine if someone turned that plastic tub you used for your Goldfish crackers in 2nd grade into a big bouncy ball.
The idea here is that it’s a lot of fun to roll down hills in, but you can also use it to carry stuff, making it super handy on a hike. And unlike a regular ball, the zorb ball rolls over pretty much anything – mountain lion, cactus patch, elk crossing – and never gets stuck.
And you don’t just have to use the zorb ball for hiking! It works great for all kinds of sports and activities too. Here are 6 more things you can do with a zorb ball:
1) Go to a pool party
If you don’t have a swimming pool, you can always just fill up a zorb ball with water. There’s no need for a pool since the zorb ball will float and move around in the water. Just get a bunch of friends together and play some fun games.
A zorb ball is a large, oversized human hamster ball with shoes attached. This means that you can use it for swimming in the water like a hamster ball or even play with it on the ground at a pool party.
2) Play bocce ball
It seems like bocce is a noble sport for older people, but it’s fun to play with a zorb ball. Just put the ball in a net and get three friends to throw the ball into a net with you.
The objective is to make the ball go through as many holes as possible, and it’s all good fun for both parties. Also, being in a zorb ball means you can still move around and participate in the game instead of just being outside and watching.
3) Dunk on stuff
If you’re into sports or want to play cool games like “who can dunk on something tallest” or “who can dunk on something that rolls the farthest,” this is your game. While normal balls are just used for sport, the zorb ball stops at nothing to win – that means it’ll go straight through anything and everything, even if it doesn’t look like it will fit.
This means you can dunk on stuff that looks impossible to dunk on, like trees, poles, or even your sister. And if you don’t have something in mind, just set up a trashcan in your driveway and try dunking on it.
4) Play in the snow
This is best done if you’ve bought a zorb ball designed for ice, but it also works in a regular-sized ball. All you need is something to dig a hole with, and even then, it’s important not to go too deep, lest your zorb ball pops up and leaves you treading water.
The idea is that you fill your zorb ball with snow, then jump in and out of it. This makes for a fun, wintery activity to do with friends. Who knows – maybe you can come up with a game using two zorb balls!
5) Use it as a water toy
Don’t worry – getting wet doesn’t ruin your zorb ball. If anything, the more it gets soaked, the bouncier it will be. A zorb ball is great for playing in the water since you can swim around and play games like “who can throw the other person into the deepest part of a pool” or whatever you want.
You can also use it when you’re swimming in the ocean or lake and want to swim with friends or family. You can carry it around to play in after a swim and not worry about dropping it or getting it wet. Fun for all ages – don’t underestimate how useful a zorb ball can be!
6) Get active
A zorb ball is great for playing any game of tag, hide and seek, or your favorite game. You might also be able to find some new favorites since the zorb ball lets you move around faster than regular running and jumping does.
The great thing about this is that you can get super active but in a fun way. This means that you’re playing hard and getting in shape, but it doesn’t feel punishing or like a chore. You don’t have to worry about doing laps or other similar activities – use the zorb ball for your favorite games!
Of course, knowing what you’re getting before you buy a zorb ball is helpful. Visit Kameymall for more details about zorb balls. You’ll find all the information you need, including the best zorb balls to buy and related products. Trust us. This is the best way to save money on a fun product!