Crypto business has become very popular and a source of income for many investors. It offers enormous advantages as there are a lot of crypto currencies, and the user can invest in any of them. The Crypto market is very complex, and if you are planning to start crypto trading, you might need a good cryptocurrency exchange platform. The main challenge in crypto trading is the conversion of fiat or centralized currency into decentralized currency for trading. Crypto exchange platforms can do that for you and convert your amount to crypto investment.
Best Crypto Exchange For Beginners
There are hundreds of crypto exchange platforms, but if you want to start as a beginner and are new to crypto trading, you would need a platform that is easy to use and understand. KuCoin is one of the most used crypto exchange around the world. It accepts users from around 100 countries, and one out of every 4 crypto investors outside the United States is issuing KuCoin. You can easily set up an account using KuCoin and start investing in the coins to profit.
Setting Up An Account At KuCoin
You can register yourself on KuCoin with your active phone number or email address. After that, it will validate the information by sending a verification code. Just like that, you created an account on KuCoin. There is no initial need to verify the account with KYC (Know Your Customer), but you will get extended privileges and features like unlimited withdrawal amount on verification. There are a few more security settings that we recommend. You should create two-factor authentication (2FA), set up your trading password, and set safety phrases for login and transactions. These will create additional security for your account. You can also restrict the use of specific IP addresses for more protection.
How To Use KuCoin
KuCoin provides an easy to understand interface that anyone can understand easily. It has all types of crypto on the dashboard with their value, progress, historical charts, and available amount. You can sell and purchase crypto with KuCoin in easy and simple steps. There are trading accounts and main accounts in which you can deposit and trade your currency. You can transfer an amount from one account to another without any charges. The trading account is used to invest, sell and purchase crypto. On the other hand, the primary account is like a wallet that can deposit your amount.
Other Features Of KuCoin
If you think that KuCoin is only suitable for beginners, you are mistaken. It has many advanced features like mining pool and provides extended support for bitcoin exchange. Not only that, it can give you access to around 400 coins and have high liquidity due to its increased customers. You can also trade the coins while offline and do not have to sit in front of a screen all day; the trading bot of KuCoin will do all the work for you. It has a coin called KCS that makes selling and purchasing a lot easier and will provide you with the latest cryptocurrency news.