We’re all well aware of how monumental the issue of climate change is and the huge effort that will be required to make change. We’re not suggesting that small changes will save the planet in a day, however the little things certainly add up. There are so many really simple changes which we can factor into our everyday lives to help the environment. If you’re hoping to make a few simple changes but aren’t quite sure where to start, hopefully this list will give you a bit of inspiration.
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Eat less meat
You don’t have to become a vegetarian overnight, however reducing your meat consumption as much as you feel able to will drastically reduce your carbon footprint. Farming meat requires a huge amount of land and water and contributes significantly more CO2 into the atmosphere than plants. If you do buy meat, try and buy it locally rather than at the supermarket where the product will have contributed to a high level of transport emissions. Pagalmovies : visit here
It’s so easy to do, but unfortunately so many of us simply don’t. A lot more waste than you might think can be recycled and so it’s definitely worth checking out the guidance for your local area. Clue yourself up on what can and cannot be recycled so that when it comes to taking the rubbish out you’ll be more inclined to recycle things where possible.
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Switch to reusable bottles and bags
Single-use plastic is one of the biggest contributors to climate change and one of the worst threats to our oceans. Swapping disposable plastic drinking bottles and shopping bags for reusable metal bottles and fabric bags will instantly reduce your carbon footprint, and it’s such a simple thing to do. Investing in reusable products will also save you a great amount of money in the long run, so a win win overall.
Consider your mode of transport
Where possible, leave the car at home. Opting for public transport rather than driving your own car will help to reduce pollution levels, or even better walk or cycle if you can. If you don’t live far from work, consider whether it’s possible for you to get there on foot. It’s better for the environment, and plus, walking or cycling home is a great way to destress after a long day at work.Read more about Tamilmv
Part ways with fast fashion
The pollution and waste caused by fast fashion is very harmful to the environment which is why thinking about where we buy our clothes from can make a huge difference to our ecological footprint. Rather than buying new clothes, why not see what you can get second-hand? It’s also worth looking out for sustainable clothing brands who are working to reduce the harmful environmental impact of the fashion industry.
This list is certainly not exhaustive- there are so many small lifestyle changes you can make to help the environment, however hopefully the ideas above have provided you with a bit of inspiration to get started!
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