A small wood heater owner would want it to last for many years and keep the house cosy and warm as it burns safely. It needs to be appropriately maintained, cleaned regularly and used safely to ensure this. Not following maintenance and safety measures could damage the product and run a risk of starting a home fire or injury.
Safety Measures to Be Followed with A Small Wood Heater
1) Ensure space conditions and requirements
Before buying a wood heater for the home, it is essential to get familiar with the regional and local regulations regarding wood-burning appliance use and fire-safety regulations. The house or the office space must have clearance around the heater, and the room must have acceptable ventilation and smoke detectors. One must ensure that the heater dimensions meet the need for the room’s area or the house.
2) Proper Installation is critical
While installing the small wood heater, it is critical to ensure that enough ventilation is provided to direct the smoke out of the room or the house. Inadequate ventilation could lead to the accumulation of gases that can be deadly. The person must ensure no flammable materials are present, like tree branches near the chimney, to avoid fire. A chimney cap will ensure that small animals or birds don’t nest in the area, blocking the heater’s smoke.
3) Maintain the wood heater and conduct checks regularly
Like all other appliances in the house, the wood heater’s proper maintenance can ensure that potential problems like overheating, fire, leaks, poisoning, and injury are prevented. Owners must check the wood heater’s door seals for crumbling, and the chimneys must be inspected for wear and tear or blockages in the pipe. It has to be cleaned regularly based on its use. When kept unused, the heater’s door must be kept slightly open for the air to pass through the system and avoid corrosion.
Professionals can help the owners determine if they have already had undetected chimney fires to prevent them. It is vital to have a certified chimney cleaning service. A potential chimney fire can be detected with the presence of honeycomb-shaped creosote, warped chimney pipe, cracked body or tiles, damaged exterior roof, discoloured or damaged chimney cap.
4) Develop safety habits
It is crucial to ensure a fire extinguisher within reach of the wood heater to avoid unwanted accidents. Items like wood, lighters, matches or fluids that can trigger fire must not be stored near the heater. The area must also be clear of flammable products like carpets, drapes, newspapers and furniture, to avoid fires. Seasoned and dried wood must be used to activate the heater to ensure that the fire is safe, emitting minimal smoke. It is recommended to use safety accessories like non-flammable gloves and a fire screen while handling wood-burning equipment.
5) Dispose of the ashes correctly
The ashes produced by the fires must not be allowed to build up for more than one inch at the bottom of the heater. Anything more could lead to the fire being smoky as they might not get enough oxygen. Owners must scoop out the ashes after they have completely cooled down and throw them outdoors in a metal container with a lid.
Small wood heaters can keep the house warm and cosy for a long time, with minimal issues if these measures are taken.