Have you hired a dog sitter? Thinking about what next? We will guide you on the following steps. Finding a suitable pet sitter to care for your pet pooch can be challenging; however, once you have accomplished this step, there is only a bit more work to do.
Giving the pet sitter prior instructions is crucial, so they perform their job efficiently. For example, it can be simple things like where you store pet food, dietary guidelines, providing your vet’s contact number, and more. Also, you can closely observe how the new pet sitter and your puppy interact to gauge their rapport.
Plus, give them a tour of your house, so they know what to find where. Never feel shy about giving the pet sitter as much information as possible, even if it’s a book’s worth of instructions. Many pet sitters appreciate such a gesture. At the same time, provide them with information on the dog insurance policy if you have already purchased it.
Otherwise, you can consider purchasing cheap pet insurance in the least or perhaps the best pet plan if you can afford comprehensive health coverage for your pet. While contemplating this decision, read on to know some instructions you must not miss providing your pet sitter.
- Dog details – name, age, unique identification marks, breed, health history.
- Vet details – phone contact, email, address.
- Tricks your puppy is aware of. For instance, make a list of verbal hints and hand gestures, so your pet sitter knows how to command your pup.
- Specific behaviors like barking at strange people or feeling shy around kids.
- Puppy’s likes and dislikes.
- Medical history includes treatments, surgeries your pupper has been through earlier, and medications your furry baby was on recently. Or regular medicines that have to be fed to your furry pet.
- Give your puppy’s daily and weekly routine chart to the pet sitter; also, if you provide extensive details about every task, that would be even better.
- Feeding details – What? When? Where? How much?
- Pooping details – Where? When? How much?
- Walking details – walking routes, distance, breaks, parks/streets, etc.
- Exercise – fetch? Running? Agility course?
- Treats – How much? When? For what?
- Socialization details – is your puppy open to meeting new dogs, people, or animals?
- Pet supplies – where food is stored, dog accessories used, puppy’s favorite toys, clothes, etc.
- Space allocated for your pet sitter to rest or sleep.
- Allowance or restriction on pet sitter’s family, friends, or acquaintances visiting your home.
- Neighborhood amenities like a supermarket, pet store, snacks outlet, etc.
- Whom to call up during emergencies?
- TV and Wi-fi information.
- Pet gaming equipment.
You can convey all this verbally, but having them on paper can help your pet sitter refer to them when needed. However simple the instructions can seem to be, still, it is best to let your pet sitter know. Because, sometimes, even the slightest ignorance can hugely impact your puppy’s and, consequently, your life. For instance, feeding the wrong food or forcing your puppy to engage in something they dislike can negatively impact them.
Also, ensure your pet sitter knows how to reach your vet during health emergencies. However, you can claim the vet bills for any unexpected visits later with your dog insurance. If you don’t have a pet policy, consider buying cheap pet insurance that can be economical and satisfy your dog’s basic health needs.