Today, one of the most vital aspects of healthcare is maternal health. For a mother, holding her healthy baby after delivery is one of the most fulfilling experiences in life. Undoubtedly, it is a joyous moment for the entire family. However, it is a consequence of many things being done correctly for many months. If not taken care of properly, complications may arise during pregnancy and delivery. A lack of postpartum care can lead to health problems for both the mother and the baby. Most of these are entirely avoidable if healthcare is accessible to all women.
For your knowledge and convenience, let us discuss five ways to ensure good health for mothers and babies. These tips are beneficial not only for first-time mothers but also for those who have experienced pregnancy in the past.
1. Pre-pregnancy care
If you are thinking of having a baby, you must start planning for your pregnancy to maintain your and your child’s health. Visiting a doctor is the first step. A doctor will ask you about your family health history and your personal medical history. You can discuss any previous health concerns with the doctor. If you use a contraception like a pill, patch, ring, implant, shot, or intrauterine device, you should stop doing so before trying to conceive. You may be advised to wait for a few months.
Visiting a gynecologist is helpful as they can guide you regarding the delivery process, different types of injuries, and the best ways to avoid them. While initially, it may all sound pretty daunting, knowing about the pregnancy and delivery will make the process much smoother for you in the long run.
2. Prenatal Care
Prenatal care is the care a woman gets during pregnancy. It mostly includes ante-natal visits to the obstetrician, regular blood work, and ultrasound scans to assess fetal growth and monitor for defects. Regular urine tests are also done to monitor the health of the mother and fetus. Testing for different diseases, starting appropriate treatment for any such condition, and preventing transmission of these diseases to the child are all crucial parts of prenatal care. During the prenatal visits, you will also be advised to quit smoking and avoid alcohol. Your drug history will be reviewed to stop you from taking any drugs that may have teratogenic side effects.
3. The role of nutrition
It is advised that pregnant women increase their food intake by at least 300 calories per day. How much weight a woman gains depends on her weight before pregnancy. However, gaining around 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy is normal.
One of the most important roles of antenatal visits to the hospital after conception or to a gynecologist when trying to conceive is to get proper guidance regarding dietary requirements during pregnancy. When you are trying to conceive, you should take iron and folic acid supplements as low vitamin B12 lead to several complications in a child, such as neural tube defects, which could include anencephaly or spina bifida. Calcium and multivitamin supplements also ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Besides supplements, you should also consume healthy proteins, fibers, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. It is essential, both for you and your child, that you maintain a healthy diet.
4. Physical Activity
In a normal pregnancy, exercising can be one of the best ways to stay healthy and feel physically better. In fact, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. It could include walking, swimming, Pilates, or stationary bicycling.
Exercise during pregnancy reduces swelling, backaches, bloating, and constipation. It also decreases stress and builds up stamina for labor. It also reduces the risk of developing conditions like gestational diabetes and eclampsia.
However, suppose there is any vaginal bleeding, chest pain, dizziness, or painful uterine contractions resulting from exercise. In that case, it is favorable to visit your obstetrician and check it out. Patients with type one diabetes, asthma, or heart conditions are also not advised to do much physical activity during pregnancy.
5. Labor and Delivery
A woman can deliver her baby through a c- section or normal delivery. It is not entirely her choice and may be affected by multiple factors.
Natural labor is usually considered the best option, as it involves minimal medical intervention. During natural childbirth, oxytocin signals the uterus to contract, which causes the release of endorphins which are natural painkillers. Natural labor is good for developing the baby’s brain and lung maturity, leading to lesser chances of respiratory distress in the infant. Compared to a child born through assisted delivery, breastfeeding can also begin earlier in the baby born through natural delivery and establishes that bond between the mother and her child within minutes.
However, for pre-existing health conditions or complications that may have developed during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes or eclampsia, it would be more favorable to have a c-section. A cesarean section is also preferable in twin pregnancies or if the baby is large. The mother’s pelvis may be of a shape that isn’t favorable for a natural birth. If a c-section is not done in such cases, it may lead to severe fetal and maternal distress.
A mother is the most important person in a child’s life. So to have healthy children, you should consider your health. You can improve your child’s health by taking care of your physical and mental wellness before conception, during pregnancy, and after delivery. Your health must be prioritized by proper planning before conception and ensuring regular ante-natal hospital visits. You should ensure that your diet is adequate and that you are taking all the necessary supplements. You should indulge in physical activity of at least 30 minutes daily. Moreover, suppose you are suffering from a disease. In that case, a doctor should monitor it and, most importantly, inform you of all facts to make informed decisions regarding delivery.